Frequently Asked Questions Imprimir
Here are a few FAQs that you'll probably be wondering about with MetaMorph General Features
  • RokSlide can be configured to appear in the left, middle or right columns.
  • The logo can be switched to the icon module position with a simple change in the index.php configuration.
  • The RocketTheme Logo/copyright area can be switched to the footer module position with a simple change in the index.php configuration.
  • RokContentRotator is a module which dynamically loads content items and rotators them either by hover or click (depending on configuration).


What is the RokSlide Feature?
You will observe that the modular positions, User11 through User 15 are contained within what appears to be RokSlide. In MetaMorph, the RokSlide effect/functionality has been integrated directly into the template, providing a sleek stylish approach for extra modules, allowing you to created tabbed modules and tabbed module groups.

How do I setup the RokSlide Feature?
You will want to read the demo tutorial located at Custom Modules - The tutorial covers what the settings the module has and how to configure/use it.

Demo Content

For information on setting up the content in the Demo, please visit the Demo Content Tutorial page


What is the RokContentRotator Module?
This module is also on the frontpage but is located in the rotator position (the coloured top block). You simple assign it to a category and it will rotate through the content items for you.

How do I setup the RokContentRotator Module?
You will want to read the demo tutorial located at Custom Modules - The tutorial covers what the settings the module has and how to configure/use it.

How do I integrate RokContentRotator into other templates? You will want to read the forum tutorial located at the RocketTheme forums - You will need to follow the steps in this tutorial and use the guide above to configure it. Note that his is from the Synapse board as the original RokContentRotator appeared there. This tutorial will present you with more obvious styling as the one on MetaMorph uses the demo for its effect (i.e. the coloured backgrounds).

Module Positions

How many Module Positions?
MetaMorph has 28 module positions which are viewable at either or all of the following:-
Note that not all are visible on the second 2 links. This is because 3 modules appear under condition. In the template, the Logo and the RocketTheme/Copyright area can be turned directly into a position by a toggle. The 3rd hidden one is toolbar which appears when the other menu options are disabled.

How do I enable the hidden positions?
You can enable/disable these positions in the index.php configuration (if you are using Joomla 1.0) or in the Joomla Template Manager (if you are using Joomla 1.5). For information, see either or all of the following:-
How do I setup the Bottom menu
For the bottom menu, you will need t use the following settings in Admin -> Modules -> Site Modules -> Other Menu :-
  • Position: bottom
  • Menu Class Suffix: -bottom
  • Menu Style: Flat List